Thursday, May 21, 2015

fragment 1

boundless agitations
in the night sky
dwarfed all other considerations

Thursday, April 23, 2015


i needed to write. no conditions, no prep work, just let everything out in a stream. how do i get back to the young, idealistic twerp i used to be? writing used to come so naturally to me. i was a good writer and it allowed me a therapy of sorts. i might be at an early mid-life crisis. i'm only 34. ONLY. call it what you will. i still have no idea what to do with my life. i'm talking jobs, not hobbies. if i could find some way to make money doing the things i enjoy, this wouldn't be an issue. like many people, i am miserable at my job. some days are better than others, but the average day is a soul-sucking experience that i feel is slowly eating away at my sanity and body.

stop being a drama queen.